"Middle School Community Builders: 10 Fun and Fresh 'Getting to Know You' Activities!"


Absolutely! Building a genuine sense of community is essential at the beginning of the school year. Here are ten engaging "getting to know you" activities that go beyond traditional ice-breakers and are perfect for middle school students:

  1. Classroom Scavenger Hunt: Create a list of items or facts about each student that they need to find out from their classmates. This encourages interaction and collaboration while learning interesting things about each other.

  2. All About Me Collage: Have students create collages using magazines, newspapers, or printed images that represent their interests, hobbies, and aspirations. They can then present their collages to the class.

  3. Two Truths and a Dream: A twist on the traditional ice-breaker, where students share two true facts about themselves and one fictional dream. The challenge is for others to guess which is the dream.

  4. Interview a Classmate: Pair students up and have them interview each other. They can prepare a short presentation about their partner to introduce them to the class.

  5. Mapping Memories: Provide a large map or a template of your school's layout. Have students mark specific locations on the map where they have special memories or experiences.

  6. Jigsaw Puzzle Introductions: Give each student a jigsaw puzzle piece and have them write their name and an interesting fact about themselves. Assemble the puzzle together as a symbol of unity.

  7. Find Someone Who...: Create a list of unique characteristics or experiences (e.g., has traveled to a specific place, can play a musical instrument, loves a particular book) and have students find classmates who match each item.

  8. The Emoji Game: Prepare a list of different emojis and their corresponding emotions. Have students choose an emoji that represents their current feelings about the new school year and explain why they chose it.

  9. Create a Class Playlist: Ask students to suggest songs that represent their personalities or feelings. Compile the songs into a class playlist to share and enjoy throughout the year.

  10. Secret Talents Show: Give students the opportunity to showcase their hidden talents, skills, or hobbies in a voluntary talent show format. It could be anything from magic tricks to playing an instrument or demonstrating a sport.

These activities encourage meaningful interactions, foster understanding, and celebrate the uniqueness of each student. They create a positive and inclusive atmosphere that sets the tone for a fun and engaging school year.


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